Fecha de grabación: 04/03/2010
Visto: 62 veces

Round Table "Designing The Future". Interview with Elizabeth Churchill (Yahoo! Research)

Interview with Elizabeth Churchill, Principal Research Scientist at Yahoo! Research, participant in the Round Table "Designing The Future: Creativity and Innovation in the Digital World", in University Carlos III de Madrid (Spain) (UC3M), 4th March, 2010, and the Workshop on Digital Living (5th-6th March, 2010).

- As a researcher, what are your main points of interest? 00'24"
- What are your main findings in this field? 02'11"
- How these findings affect universities? 02'46"
- In a next future, how do you think universities will implement theses discoveries? 03'31"
- What do you think about the Master Degree on Digital Living that you are helping to prepare in the UC3M? 04'21"

Entrevista con Elizabeth Churchill (Investigación Yahoo!). Participante en la Mesa Redonda "Designing The Future: Creativity and Innovation in the Digital World", Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 4 de marzo de 2010.

serie: 2011
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