Serie: Open Science by Design: Practical Commitments for Implementation by (Young) Universities


"Welcome notes"

    Vídeo  |  Español  (20' 33'')  |  Visto: 397 veces
Juan José Vaquero
Vicerrector de Política Científica de la UC3M
Eva Méndez
Vicerrectora Adjunta de Política Científica. Open Science
Cecilia Cabello
Director of Open and International Science. FECYT
Tiberius Ignat
Director of Scientific Knowledge Services

"Leading the change to Open Science in European Universities"

    Vídeo  |  Español  (38' 13'')  |  Visto: 380 veces
Presenta: Silvia Gómez Recio
Paul Ayris
Pro-Vice-Provost University College London, UK

"Shifting the research assessment system to enable the adoption of open knowledge practices"

    Vídeo  |  Español  (33' 51'')  |  Visto: 375 veces
Presenta: Cecilia Cabello
Director of Open and International Science. FECYT
Rebecca Lawrence

"The Ascent of Open Access"

    Vídeo  |  Español  (20' 13'')  |  Visto: 346 veces
Presenta: Tiberius Ignat
Director of Scientific Knowledge Services
Daniel Hook
Digital Science

"Putting the library at the heart of research"

    Vídeo  |  Español  (19' 11'')  |  Visto: 375 veces
Presenta: Tiberius Ignat
Director of Scientific Knowledge Services
Ghislain Onestas
Ex Libris

"The Internet for Social Machines"

    Vídeo  |  Español  (42' 03'')  |  Visto: 450 veces
Presenta: Antonio Hernández Pérez
Director del Doctorado en Documentación: Archivos y Bibliotecas en el Entorno Digital
Barend Mons
Director for the Dutch International Support and Coordination Office GO FAIR and President of CODATA

"Citizen Science in Open Science context: measuring and understanding impacts of deeper public participation in science"

    Vídeo  |  Español  (41' 17'')  |  Visto: 342 veces
Presenta: Paul Ayris
Pro-Vice-Provost University College London, UK
Muki Haklay
Professor of Geographic Information Science at Department of Geography, University College London (UCL)

"Panel discussion: Open Science challenges’ alignment: Next Generation Metrics/Indicators– FAIR Data – Citizen Science"

    Vídeo  |  Español  (54' 29'')  |  Visto: 377 veces
Daniel Hook
Digital Science
Paul Ayris
Pro-Vice-Provost University College London, UK
Rebecca Lawrence
Barend Mons
Director for the Dutch International Support and Coordination Office GO FAIR and President of CODATA
Muki Haklay
Professor of Geographic Information Science at Department of Geography, University College London (UCL)
Ghislain Onestas
Ex Libris
Presenta: Eva Méndez
Vicerrectora Adjunta de Política Científica. Open Science

"Closing Notes: Practical Commitments for Implementation of Open Science in Universities (Indicators-FAIRData-Citizen Science) "

    Vídeo  |  Español  (8' 43'')  |  Visto: 350 veces
Silvia Gómez Recio
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