Serie: IV Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadorxs UC3M


"Congress's Opening"

    Video  |  Spanish  (24' 56'')  |  Viewed: 111 times

"Conferencia inaugural: “Still Learning, Still Inspired, Sometimes Tired: Doing Feminist Research” "

    Video  |  Spanish  (84' 30'')  |  Viewed: 65 times

" PANEL 2 – Sexuality (I/II) "

    Video  |  Spanish  (123' 22'')  |  Viewed: 335 times

" PANEL 3: Humanities and Philosophy"

    Video  |  Spanish  (125' 29'')  |  Viewed: 158 times

"PANEL 5: Gender Violence"

    Video  |  Spanish  (100' 13'')  |  Viewed: 251 times


"PANEL 7 – Media"

    Video  |  Spanish  (118' 59'')  |  Viewed: 73 times

" Keynote speakers: "An Intersectional Feminist Perspective on Research: What Changes and How We Do It""

    Video  |  Spanish  (116' 04'')  |  Viewed: 30 times

"PANEL 9: Humanities and Philosophy"

    Video  |  Spanish  (94' 43'')  |  Viewed: 118 times


"No title"

    Video  |  Spanish  (113' 02'')  |  Viewed: 18 times

"Society 17 (II/II) "

    Video  |  Spanish  (112' 31'')  |  Viewed: 131 times