Serie: "POLITIKÈ EPISTÉME": Ancient political thought in western and eastern middle ages"


" Welcome and Introduction"

    Video  |  Spanish  (16' 33'')  |  Viewed: 205 times

"Session 1. Chair Michele Curnis: Roberto Lambertini y Alejandro Beltrán Ortega. "

    Video  |  Spanish  (136' 32'')  |  Viewed: 176 times

"Session 2. Francisco L.Lisi"

    Video  |  Spanish  (57' 38'')  |  Viewed: 96 times

"Session 2. Alberto del Campo Echevarría "

    Video  |  Spanish  (61' 22'')  |  Viewed: 342 times

"Session 3. Chair Roberto Lambertini: Lidia Lanza, Michele Curnis, Montserrat Jiménez"

    Video  |  Spanish  (189' 42'')  |  Viewed: 106 times
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