Serie: OIKONOMIA. The Management of Ancient Domestic Economies: Comparing Textual and Material Approaches


"Inauguración / On Trade as an Ethical Practice in Xenophon’s Economics (XX, 22-29) - Étienne Helmer"

    Video  |  Spanish  (91' 53'')  |  Viewed: 32 times

"Oikonomia and Chrematistics in the pseudo-Aristotelian Oikonomikoi - Marcello Valente"

    Video  |  Spanish  (51' 11'')  |  Viewed: 26 times

"Pinxit: il cantiere decorativo nella casa romana e il suo ruolo nell’economia domestica - Antonella Coralini"

    Video  |  Spanish  (57' 15'')  |  Viewed: 18 times

"What Can Faunal Remains Explain about Household Economies in Antiquity? Some Thoughts and Two Study Cases - Lìdia Colominas"

    Video  |  Spanish  (33' 02'')  |  Viewed: 12 times

"Peasant Economics in Roman Rural World: between Models and Evidence - Jesús Bermejo Tirado"

    Video  |  Spanish  (67' 57'')  |  Viewed: 22 times

"The Oikonomikós in Greek Late Antiquity - Michele Curnis "

    Video  |  Spanish  (62' 46'')  |  Viewed: 45 times

"Some Insights into the Economy of Early Medieval Rural Households: an Archaeological Approach - Alfonso Vigil-Escalera"

    Video  |  Spanish  (43' 50'')  |  Viewed: 6 times
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