Serie: Ciclo de seminarios: "Daily life and norms in Rome"


""Communi etenim senatus consilio omnia agebantur: the changing function of the senate from republic to empire” - Benet Salway"

    Vídeo  |  Español  (82' 55'')  |  Visto: 24 veces


""The slave, the freed, and the freeborn: personal status under Roman law between legal norm and social reality" - Simon Corcoran"

    Vídeo  |  Español  (83' 46'')  |  Visto: 23 veces


""Theatre at the margins: the spectacles of mime" - Lucia Romero Mariscal"

    Vídeo  |  Español  (76' 46'')  |  Visto: 42 veces
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