Serie: Incorporación de la perspectiva de género en el modelo de evaluación del PDI. Países en conflicto



    Video  |  Spanish  (11' 18'')  |  Viewed: 15 times

"The war conflict as a source of new inequalities: the case of Ukraine "

    Video  |  Spanish  (26' 46'')  |  Viewed: 23 times

"Limitations of education for afghan girls and connectivity with the increase in child marriage "

    Video  |  Spanish  (41' 32'')  |  Viewed: 16 times

"Mesa Redonda: Countries in conflict. What is further?"

    Video  |  Spanish  (114' 19'')  |  Viewed: 42 times

"Taller sobre la incorporación de la perspectiva de Género en el modelo de evaluación del PDI."

    Video  |  Spanish  (124' 20'')  |  Viewed: 72 times
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