Serie: New


"Opening session"

    Video  |  Spanish  (12' 09'')  |  Viewed: 41 times
Marco Cellentani
Juan José Vaquero
Pierter Spooren

"CoARA, advancing on Research Assessment Reform: a conversation on possible implications for Early Career Researchers"

    Video  |  Spanish  (38' 01'')  |  Viewed: 98 times
Stephane Berghmans

"DIOSI project Results"

    Video  |  Spanish  (26' 41'')  |  Viewed: 51 times
Margaux Kersschot

"The DIOSI Graduate Tracking Framework"

    Video  |  Spanish  (33' 30'')  |  Viewed: 44 times
Zoran susanj
Nicoleta Zubic
Sasa Zelenika

"Training Early Career Researchers in Open Science, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Key issues for the University Alliances and Beyond"

    Video  |  Spanish  (80' 39'')  |  Viewed: 136 times
Eva Méndez
Rafaella Lenoir
José Manuel Barrueco
Elena Christodoulou
Emma Lazzeri
Rubén Vicente-Saez
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