Fecha de grabación: 08/11/2019
Visto: 24 veces

Acto Inaugural ERC proyecto RIVERS y seminario internacional: Los derechos de la naturaleza: ¿una revolución legal o conflictos ontológicos?

RIVERS’s main challenge is to produce ground-breaking knowledge, from an empirical, interdisciplinary and dialoguing perspective, about the contentions and challenges intrinsic to reconceptualising human rights with different ways of understanding and relating to water. RIVERS will develop a multi-sited analysis and empirical case-studies in three contexts: Colombia, Nepal and the UN human rights protection system. Through the lens of legal pluralism, this will foreground competing political and legal water realities that interrogate dominant understandings of the modern world. This project will pioneer new ways of thinking about water beyond the modern divides of nature/culture, providing clues about future paths towards reconceptualising human rights.
Presentación del proyecto RIVERS:
Lieselotte Viaene y equipo (visioning)

Key note speaker:
Vicky Tauli-Corpus, UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples [English]

Belkis Izquierdo, Magistrada Arhuaca, Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz (JEP), (Arhuaca, Colombia)
Dambar Chemjong, Director Anthropology Department, Trivubhan University, (Limbu, Nepal) [English]
Anne Nuorgam, Chair of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (Sami, Finland)

Moderador: Guillermo Fernández-Maldonado, Representante-Adjunto, Oficina de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos – Colombia

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