Fecha de grabación: 22/06/2020
Visto: 143 veces

FAQ: How do i measure the output gap? - Fabio Canova

Fabio Canova.
Fabio Canova is a professor of Macroeconomics at the Norwegian Business School, Research associate with the Centre for Applied Macroeconomics and Petroleum Studies
and the CEPR. He is also program director of the Budapest School of Central Bank Studies, and member of the scientific committee of the Euro Area Business Cycle network.
He was the director of Training of the Florence School of Banking and Finance (2015-2018) held the Pierre Werner chair in Monetary Union at the Robert Schumann Center for Advanced Studies (2012-2014), the ICREA Research Professorship at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2006-2012) and has been Professor of Econometrics at the European University Institute (2011-2014) and Chair in Monetary Economics and the University of Bern (2008). In 2017 he was awarded a honorary professorship from Henin University in China.

In the recent past he has been program committee member of the meetings of the International Association of Applied Econometrics (2014-2017) and chair in 2020; chair for the European Meetings of the Econometric Society 2014, a panelist of ANVUR in 2013, coeditor of the Journal of the European Economic Association from 2008 to 2013, and of the Journal of Applied econometrics from 2012 to 2017.

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