Fecha de grabación: 05/05/2023
Visto: 229 veces

Opening: Welcoming Remarks

Chair: Prof. Eva María Blázquez Agudo, Vice-Rector for Institutional Relations, Culture and Equality, UC3M .

- Justice Antonio H. Benjamin, Chancellor of ICEL; President of the Global Judicial Institute on the Environment; Chair Emeritus of the World Commission on Environmental Law; Justice of the National High Court of Brazil – STJ.
- Justice Encarnación Roca Trías, Vice-President Emeritus of the Spanish Constitutional Court; Partner at Cremades & CalvoSotelo Abogados.
- Prof. Patricia Kameri-Mbote, UNEP, Director, Law Division (online).
- Prof. Montserrat Abad Castelos, Professor of Public International Law, UC3M; Vice Chancellor of ICEL and Co-director of its International Secretariat.