Fecha de grabación: 11/12/2024
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Día 4 de octubre - Symposium “Sustainability & international advocacy” PANEL II. Advisory Opinions on Climate Change from ITLOS, IACtHR & UN ICJ and beyond

v Chair: Dr. Alberto Iglesias Garzón, Senior Lecturer of Public International Law and International Relations, University CUNEF, Spain.

v The three Advisory Opinions and the IEL, Prof. Christina Voigt, Chair of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law; Co-Chair of the Paris Agreement Implementation and Compliance Committee; Full Professor of Public International Law, University of Oslo, Norway (online).

v Discussants:

· Dr. Justo Corti (Associate Professor of Public International law, UNED).

· Enrique Martínez Pérez (Associate Professor of Public International Law, University of Valladolid) (online).

· Dr. Laura Movilla (Senior Lecturer of Public International law, UVigo, Spain).

· Dr. Victor Tafur (Adjunct Professor, Pace University, NY, USA; ICEL Chief Administrative Officer).

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