Fecha de grabación: 29/01/2025
Visto: 6 veces

Día 4 de octubre - Symposium “Sustainability & international advocacy” PANEL I: Environmental policy developments at the UN and other International Organizations

v Chair: Prof. Concepción Escobar, Former Member of the UN International law Commission; Former Head of the International Legal Department of the Spanish MFA; Director of the Center of Studies of IHL, Spanish Red Cross; Full Professor of Public International Law at UNED, Spain. v UNEP, Ms. Patricia Kameri-Mbote, UNEP, Director, Law Division; Full Professor, School of Law, University of Nairobi, Kenya; Member of the ICEL Board of Governors (online). v Sea level rise’s Recommendations from the UNGA, Prof. Nicholas A. Robinson, Kerlin Professor of Environmental Law Emeritus; Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University (New York) and Executive President, International Council of Environmental Law (2018-2024). v The UNEA, Mr. Donald Kaniaru, Former Director of the Division of Environmental Policy Implementation and of the Division on Environmental Conventions, UNEP; Member of the ICEL Board of Governors; ICEL’s Representative before UN, Nairobi, Kenya (online). v Climate change and migration, Prof. Felipe González Morales, Former United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants; Professor of International Law at the Diego Portales University, Chile; Honorary Professor at UC3M. v Summit of the Future, Mr. Reinhard Krapp, Minister and Diplomat -retired- of Germany. Attorney-at-Law. Member of the ICEL Board of Governors. v The IUCN-WCEL, Prof. Christina Voigt, Chair of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law; Co-Chair of the Paris Agreement Implementation and Compliance Committee; Full Professor of Public International Law, University of Oslo, Norway (online). v Public interest litigations, Mr. Tony Oposa, President of the Law of Nature Foundation, Environmental lawyer, organizer and activist for advancing environmental and climate justice in the Philippines and globally. v Discussants: · Dr. Isabel Hernández San Juan (Senior Lecturer of Administrative Law, UC3M). · Dr. Susana Borrás (Associate Professor of International Public Law and International Relations; Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Environmental Law, CEDAT Institute for Research in Sustainability, Climate Change and Energy Transition (IU-RESCAT), Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain). · Dr. Carmen Pérez (Associate Professor of Public International Law, UC3M; UNESCO Chair “Education Linkage through International Sports” -ELIS-). · Dr. Lieselotte Viaene (Legal and environmental antropologist, Professor of the Department of Social Sciencies and PI ERC project RIVERS - Human Rights beyond the human).

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