Fecha de grabación: 23/05/2019
Visto: 68 veces

Panel on 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of human rights

Chair: Jedrzej Skrzypczak, Adam Mickiewicz University
Discussant: Oscar Celador Angón, UC3M
Christian AKANI, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, “The
United Nations (UN) & human rights. Challenges & prospects.”
Alexander SUNGUROV, St Petersburg University, Russia,
“Research, Education and Promotion of Human Rights Universality:
responsibility of Academicians."
Jesús GARCÍA CÍVICO, Jaume I University, Spain “Scientific aspects
of the UDHR as a cultural milestone.”
Jeffrey DAVIS, University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMBC), United
States “Constitutional Impunity – How U.S. Courts are Breaking the
Promise of Universal Human Rights, A Comparative Analysis.”
Krzysztof LAZARSKI, Lazarski University, Poland, “Rights in
History: Civic Rights and ‘the Rights of Man’, the predecessors of
Human Rights.”