Fecha de grabación: 23/05/2019
Visto: 100 veces

Panel on civil rights

Chair: Joana Rebelo Morais, University of Lisbon
Discussant: Tomasz Litwin, Jesuit University Ignatianum
Jedrzej SKRZYPCZAK, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan,
Poland, “The right to freedom of opinion and expression in the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights - a contemporary
Andrés GASCÓN-CUENCA, University of Valencia, Spain,
Distribution of Hateful Messages Through the Internet: An
Evaluation of the Sanctions Established by the Spanish Criminal
Oscar PÉREZ de la FUENTE, Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain
“How can the internet change human rights on online hate speech
Migle LAUKYTE, Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain,
“Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights”