Fecha de grabación: 29/11/2023
Visto: 9 veces

Panel 4: Environmental crimes, human rights & transitional justice

Triantafyllos Gkouvas - Post-doctoral researcher of Carlos III University of Madrid

- “Advancing accountability for environmental crimes in the Special Jurisdiction for
Peace: debates and breakthroughs”, Mariana Casij Peña - Institute for Integrated
- “The need to implement restorative mechanisms in the face of ‘legalised’
environmental harms from the perspective of ecological justice”, Esteban Morelle
Hungria - Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Law at the Jaume I University,
- “The one-dimensionality of human rights approaches to the protection of the
environment”, Marina Lostal - Senior Lecturer, Essex Law School, UK
- “Relation between rights of nature and ecocide: El Mar Menor case”, Maite
Mompó - Director of Stop Ecocide in Spanish language; degree in Law and
specialized in ecological ethics, sustainability and environmental education; activist
in human rights, peace and environment

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