Fecha de grabación: 29/11/2023
Visto: 24 veces

Welcome remarks

- Thomas Obel Hansen - Maria Zambrano Distinguished Researcher, Universidad
Carlos III de Madrid; Senior Lecturer in Law, Ulster University, UK
- Montserrat Abad Castelos - Professor of Public International Law at Universidad
Carlos III de Madrid; Co-director of the ICEL’s International Secretariat;
Co-Principal investigator of the Project Making Peace with Nature and Making
Nature a Key for Peace [PaxNatura, Part I]
- Laura Carballo Piñeiro - Professor of Private international law at University of
Vigo, Dean of the Faculty of International Relations. and co-PI of the PaxNatura
- Maite Mompó - Director of Stop Ecocide in Spanish language; degree in Law
and specialized in ecological ethics, sustainability and environmental education;
activist in human rights, peace and environment
- Rodrigo Lledó - Member of the International Expert Panel for the definition of
ecocide; Director of Stop Ecocide Americas; vice president of Derechos Humanos
Sin Fronteras (DHSF) and professor at the International University of La Rioja

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