Fecha de grabación: 18/11/2022
Visto: 39 veces

Opening: Welcoming Remarks

Chaired by Carmen Pérez González, Vice-Dean for International Relations, Faculty of Social and
Legal Sciences, UC3M; Associate Professor of Public International Law at UC3M.
Pablo Ruiz-Jarabo, Deputy Director General, Directorate General for the United Nations,
International Organizations and Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and
Cooperation, Spain.
Manuel Blasco Gómez, Brigadier General; Deputy Director General, Directorate General for
Planification and Environment, Ministry of Defence, Spain.
Chistina Voigt, Chair of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law; Co-chair of
the Paris Agreement Implementation and Compliance Committee; Professor of Public
international law and Coordinator at PluriCourts, Center of Excellence at the University of Oslo,
Norway (online).
Montserrat Abad Castelos, Professor of Public International Law at UC3M and Co-director
of the ICEL’s International Secretariat.

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