Fecha de grabación: 18/11/2022
Visto: 20 veces

Fifth Panel. Incorporating international law on the protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict

∎ Moderated discussion – Chaired by Ignacio García Sánchez, Navy Captain (Retired);
Electronic Warfare Specialist; Deputy Director of the Spanish National Security Department
(2018-21) and of the Institute for Strategic Studies (2010-17); Head of the NATO Security
Investment Program Division in the Allied Transformation Command Headquarters in Norfolk
 The Governments’ Role – A Spanish Perspective, Santiago Ripoll, Head of the International
Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, Spain.
 Military Doctrine, Policies, Principles and Normative Framework in the NATO and EU’s
operations, Lázaro Albarracín Santa Cruz, Colonel and Head of the Area of Environmental
Sustainability, Ministry of Defence, Spain.
 The ICRC’s Guidelines on the Protection of the Natural Environment in Armed Conflict:
Helen Obregón Gieseken, Legal Adviser at the Legal Division of the International Committee of
the Red Cross, Geneva, Switzerland.

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