Fecha de grabación: 18/11/2022
Visto: 20 veces

Fourth Panel. Before, during and after armed conflict - some strategic issues (Part II)

∎ Moderated discussion – Chaired by Félix Vacas Fernández, Associate Professor of Public
International Law, UC3M
 The Martens-Amman Clauses, Montserrat Abad Castelos, Professor of Public International
Law at UC3M and Co-director of the ICEL’s International Secretariat.
 Remnants of War, Doug Weir, Research and Policy Director, CEOBS, UK.
 Environmental Crimes and Transitional Justice, Thomas Hansen, Associate Professor in
International Law at Ulster University’s Transitional Justice Institute, UK; Senior Research
Fellow at ICEL’s International Secretariat and at UC3M

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