Fecha de grabación: 19/12/2023
Visto: 12 veces

Panel II: Fighting for Climate Justice at International Level

* Strategic litigation before international tribunals: Approach definition & meaning, Ms. Claudia Pérez Zapico, Doctoral Researcher in Public International Law, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).

* The UN International Court of Justice Advisory Opinion on Climate Change: where are we?, Dr. Laura Movilla Pateiro, Phd Senior Lecturer of Public International law, UVigo, Spain.

* The role of non-(strictly) state interventions before the ICJ in the advisory opinion on States' climate change obligations, Prof. Francesco Sindico, Full Professor of International Environmental Law, Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance, UK; Director of the Climate Change Legal Initiative (C2LI); Co-Chair of the IUCN WCEL Climate Change Law Specialist Group.

* ICJ Advisory Opinions: Use and implementation, limitations and challenges, Mr. Edgardo Sobenes, Adv. LL.M., Msc, International lawyer.

Presenta: Ana Barreira
founder and Director General of the International Institute of Law and Environment, Spain

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