Fecha de grabación: 19/12/2023
Visto: 13 veces

Views from Senior ICEL Leaders on the Role of Jurisdictional and Quasi Jurisdictional Mechanisms in Protecting Nature

Presented by Ms. María Corres Illera, Adjunct Professor of Public International Law (UC3M). * “Planetary judges” and the protection of nature, Justice Antonio H. Benjamin, Chancellor of ICEL; President of the Global Judicial Institute on the Environment; Chair Emeritus of the World Commission on Environmental Law; Justice of the National High Court of Brazil – STJ. * Reflections on the follow-up to the 2021 German Constitutional Court’s climate ruling on intra- and inter-generational equity, Mr. Reinhard Krapp, Minister and Diplomat -retired- Germany; Attorney-at-Law; Member of the ICEL Board of Governors.

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